08:30 Registration and Welcome Coffee
kindly sponsored by BASSnet

09:25 Opening from Digital Ship


09:30 Digital fleet project – improving operations and reporting with sensor data
This speech explores the transformative impact of sensor data and analytics on vessel management, enhancing efficiency, safety, and sustainability. It discusses real-world benefits, including reduced operation and maintenance costs and how we can reduce the environmental impact of our operations. The talk also addresses implementation challenges and offers guidance for organizations aiming to digitize their fleet operations.
Lars Solbakken, SVP Information & Technology, DOF Group

Bio: Lars Solbakken has 25 years of experience with technology and business, being responsible for the Industry 4.0 initiatives and digital strategy implementation at DOF. He is a trained engineer from the Norwegian Navy, and graduate from MBA and MBI from Rotterdam School of Management.

Ådne Brunborg, Data Architect, Seatrans

09:55 Retrofitting old ships for data flows from sensors
Ådne Brunborg, Data Architect, Seatrans

Bio: With a wide and varied background as both developer and architect in both software and business intelligence, from bank, insurance, and telecom industries, Ådne has been employed by Seatrans since 2018, working with BI development and digitalization projects in shipping. Currently he focuses on data analytics for operational efficiency and cost optimization for Seatrans fleet.

10:20 How Odfjell is embracing low-code digitalisation
Gunnar will give a short introduction to low code digitalisation and how Odfjell implements low code in their company.
Gunnar Eide
, Manager Digital Applications, Odfjell

Bio: As Manager Digital Applications Gunnar Eide is part of the Odfjell IT management team,  taking care of the application operations and the IT support team. He has been working with Vessel IT operations through many years in Odfjell. His IT expertise ensures that Odfjell's vessels get the most out of current cloud IT systems and satcom solutions available.

John Morten Klingsheim, Senior Engineer, Norwegian Coastal Administration

10:45 Digitalisation of sea routes and safe exchange of information ship – shore
This talk overviews the development of Routeinfo service with some links to development of ‘Kystverkets Digital Twin’.
John Morten Klingsheim, Senior Engineer, Norwegian Coastal Administration

Bio: Senior engineer John Morten Klingsheim is responsible for initiatives in e-Navigation/Maritime ITS. He has established routeinfo.no, a national e-Navigation service. He also lifted the e-Navigation service on wave-forecast for Norway from a pilot level to a national service. He contributes to digital standardisation for transport on a national and international level, with contributions in IHO NIPWG, IEC TC80 WG17, and ISO JWG11 ISOTC211/ISOTC204), and has a special interest in geospatial information to be utilized for smart intermodal transport. He holds a Master in Technology Management (2014, Univ. of Ålborg), and a Cand. Scient. in Biology (1997, Univ. Of Oslo), and has been member of the Programme Group running the Mareano Programme since 2014, the Norwegian National Marine Survey Programme.

11:10-11:40 Coffee Break
kindly sponsored by ADONIS HR


Lars Benjamin Vold, Managing Director, Norwegian Maritime Cyber Resilience Centre (NORMA Cyber)

11:40 How to get cybersecurity commitment from top management
Many executives find it difficult to fully understand cybersecurity risks. At the same time many security professionals report that it is challenging to get the desired commitment from their leaders. During the establishment phase of NORMA Cyber and during the first year of operation Lars have talked and discussed with both leaders and security staff among many maritime companies. He will share his thoughts on how to communicate cybersecurity risks as effective as possible, but also how the management team can approach this in a busy day to day work life.
Lars Benjamin Vold
, Managing Director, Norwegian Maritime Cyber Resilience Centre (NORMA Cyber)

Bio: Lars serves as the Managing Director of the Norwegian Maritime Cyber Resilience Centre (NORMA Cyber), and he was also the project lead during the establishment phase of the centre. Lars has 10 years' experience with the Norwegian Armed Forces most of which he spent in the Special Forces branch. He has a BsC in Finance and several years of experience working with security and contingency preparedness, digital development and cyber security.


Sebastian Eggert, Global Head of Sales, Service and Consulting, Digital Solutions - Ship Product Line, DNV

12:05 The story of solving hidden challenges
Back in 2010, ship design has reached a new milestone. Join us to uncover how traditional processes went from old-school to high-tech, all while balancing the need for expertise at sea. It's a race against time and operational costs, and only those who adapt can stay ahead. Can we bridge the gap between maritime tradition and digital transformation?
Sebastian Eggert, Global Head of Sales, Service and Consulting, Digital Solutions - Ship Product Line, DNV

Bio: Sebastian Eggert has 20 years of varied work experience in the maritime business. He launched his career path with a hands-on mentality as an industrial mechanic in a German shipyard. Since joining DNV about 15 years ago, Sebastian Eggert has become a known specialist around the world in digital ship management products for on- and offshore users. Since 2021, he has taken on the responsibility of Global Head Consulting, Service & Sales at Ship Product Line, DNV.

12.25 One Integrated Solution connecting traditional, maritime service domains
The last years we have seen a consolidation of the traditional service providers withing shipping. Summarized and simplified we see the traditional e-Navigation providers moving into neighbouring domains like Weather routing/optimization, performance, etc, while the traditional routing and/or performance companies moves into e-Navigation. In addition, new AI based services pop up in most domains.

Now the scope grow bigger, and leading, digital service providers are looking for simplifications by One solution for most of the onboard operations like: data harvesting, data QA, logbooks, Onboard Master DB, reporting solutions, e-navigation services (incl. Paper publications, ENC service, passage planning, ..), logbooks, reporting/noon-reporting, Weather optimization, Performance reporting, Cyber security, etc.

In parallel Shore side services are extended with Cloud based advisory services for Safe and Efficient shipping (results from ongoing TRANSACT project). Important KPIs are monitored to keep owner/operator/charterer up to date on vessels’ status, incl. sustainability KPIs like CII, EEOI, etc.

This presentation will look into how NAVTOR now focus on a ONE integrated solution to build cross domain services to simplify services and meet new demand for more efficient tools.
Bjørn Åge Hjøllo, Chief Sustainability Officer, NAVTOR

Bio: Bjørn Åge Hjøllo has a Master in Meteorology, and started his carrier in Norwegian Meteorological Institute’s R&D division in 1992, worked later as a Marine Forecaster and then Head of the Marine Forecasting Centre. In 2004, he joined C-MAP Norway as General Manager for C-MAP Marine Forecasting Centre, and latere Product Manager in C-MAP / Jeppesen Marine. In 2011 he joined a group of managers leaving Jeppesen Marine, establishing NAVTOR AS to focus on e-Navigation. He is today Chief Sustainability Officer and a minority owner in NAVTOR. In this position, he guides NAVTOR’s internal, national and international R&D projects focusing on the strategic work for “One Platform for Sustainable Solutions” supporting Safe and Efficient Navigation, with the basis in NAVTOR’s widely used e-Navigation platform.

Per Anders Koien, Product Director, Star Information Systems

12:50 Saving costs through innovative maintenance planning and performance
The current trend is that equipment onboard new ships become more and more advanced to maintain. Sensors provide their conditions but understanding the sensor data must be done by experts. Maintenance must be done by qualified/certified personnel that don’t want to sail with the ship. How can new technology, digitalisation, and the right systems assist in turning these changes into sustainable cost savings?
Per Anders Koien
, Product Director, Star Information Systems

Bio: Per Anders Koien, Product Director at Star Information Systems. Per Anders has a Master of Science degree in Naval Architecture and has 30 years of experience from computerized maintenance management systems. With the position as Product Director, he is representing the link between customers, the service and support team, and the R&D team, to ensure that the software solutions and services satisfies the future requirements in the maritime industry.

13:15 - 14:15 Lunch
kindly sponsored by MARLINK


14:15 Organizing your EU Compliance
The upcoming emissions regulations bring about substantial administrative complexities. How to effectively address and manage these challenges? This will be a key success factor in the new regulatory landscape.
Øyvind Stordal
, Management Team, Hecla Emissions Management

Bio: Øyvind Størdal is part of the management team in Hecla Emissions Management, a joint venture between Wilhelmsen Ship Management and Affinity (Shipping). Prior to Hecla he was driving digitalisation initiatives for a ship management company, and before that he worked with corporate strategy, mergers, and acquisitions within the maritime industry. Additionally, he has operational background from the bunker industry.

14:40 How to stay ahead of new emission schemes and actively drive decarbonisation?
With more and more regulations coming into place, staying on top of your emissions becomes imperative. There is only so much one can improve by old methods of reporting. We will demonstrate how switching to automatic high frequency data, combined with voyage planning and Artificial Intelligence will help you stay ahead of the game, ensuring optimal savings on your emissions, your machinery and hard cash.
Suhas Gadkari
, Business Development Manager, Ascenz Marorka

Bio: Ex-Marine Engineer having sailing experience of more than 8yrs, mainly on Tankers(Oil, Chemical and Gas) and Bulk Carriers. Since 2019, have been working with products and services incorporating Smart technologies and Digital tools, applied to the Maritime Industry.

15:05 The journey of operational ship propulsion performance improvements
New environmental and emission requirements put pressure on operating a vessel as green as possible. But how to get there? How to improve the sailing of a vessel, which sensors to add and data to collect? What will it bring, and what is the operational impact? Accurate data is needed to find an answer to these complex set of questions and base decisions on. And here the journey starts for proper monitoring and measuring of the vessels propulsion performance. Erik will discuss various levels of this journey. How to translate data into actions. Which hardware (sensors, data collection systems), and software solutions (monitoring dashboards) are advised, and which maturity level and experience of the vessel performance department is requested. All of the above will be supported by actual vessel data and experiences of VAF customers.
Erik van Ballegooijen, Director R&D, VAF Instruments

Bio: Erik van Ballegooijen, Director R&D of VAF Instruments, is responsible for VAF sensor development, software application development, and for providing customer consultancy on ship propulsion performance. Latest development projects are the VAF ShaPoLi solution and the VAF high frequent data collection solution IVY, covering the ships propulsion performance. Van Ballegooijen holds 2 Master degrees in Engineering. After graduation he worked for 18 years at Wärtsilä Propulsion, and started as a ship propeller designer (hydrodynamicist). Since 2001 he headed several operational engineering, project management and R&D departments. Since 2015 he is the Director R&D of VAF Instruments and part of the VAF management team

Rolf Nostdahl, Regional Sales Manager, The Ship AS

15:30 Effective exchange of information during port call
Using new technology The Ship makes data capture significantly easier, which helps to simplify and automate operations during port calls. As a result, you may structure events and reporting in real time, handle MRV and EU ETS easier, automate Notice of readiness, Statements of facts and demurrage calculations. It also allows to analyse vessel performance at port, and improve overall interaction between stakeholders and customer loyalty.
Rolf Nostdahl, Regional Sales Manager, The Ship

Bio: Rolf Nostdahl has worked with digitization within the shipping industry for almost 40 years, from the early days of planned maintenance, through operation and management systems to fuel efficiency solutions. He believes that the digitization, collaboration, and automation of the operation is the last real major digitization opportunity with the highest ROI available today.


15:45 - 16:30 Panel: How can we find the right balance between maritime tradition and digital transformation? Are we on a sensible pathway for maritime digitalisation to evolve and develop?
The big issue for digitalisation is whether companies are gathering together a portfolio of applications which will serve them well for the coming decades, as something which will serve their decision making, something which can evolve and integrate with new components as they come out, something they can build on. Are we on a sensible pathway for maritime digitalisation to evolve and develop?


Sebastian Eggert, Global Head of Sales, Service and Consulting, Digital Solutions - Ship Product Line, DNV  Bjørn Åge Hjøllo, Chief Sustainability Officer, NAVTOR

Kristin Helen Andersen,
Vice President IT,
G2 Ocean, Gearbulk & Grieg Maritime Group

Bio: Kristin Hellen Andersen is Vice President IT in UnITy, the joint IT department established between G2 Ocean, Gearbulk and Grieg Star. She has 15 years of experience working with technology driven management both in private and public sector. Her area of responsibilities has mainly been in the interface between business and IT, as Head of IT or Head of Business Development. Before Kristin went into Shipping in 2018 she has been working with digital strategy and projects with a special focus on transformation within different business sectors, ranging from Consulting to Transportation. Kristin truly believes that IT can be an important business driver in the digital transition Shipping is experiencing.


Ådne Brunborg,
Data Architect,

Frederik Lerche-Tornoe, General Manager, Oceanly

Frederik Lerche-Tornoe, General Manager, Oceanly

Bio: With a background as a Marine engineer and Master mariner, Frederik has over 13 years of sailing experience before transitioning to shore-based roles. He has held positions as Planned maintenance manager, Fleet manager, and Digital innovation manager for various Danish shipping companies, including Maersk Tankers. He held director roles at ShipNet, and ShipServe.

Frederik's primary focus and deep passion lie in driving the shipping industry towards net-zero emissions. He believes that while shipping plays a crucial role in global dynamics, it must become sustainable to benefit future generations.

Gunnar Eide, Manager Digital Applications, Odfjell

Gunnar Eide,
Manager Digital Applications, Odfjell

John Morten Klingsheim, Senior Engineer, Norwegian Coastal Administration

John Morten Klingsheim,
Senior Engineer, Norwegian Coastal Administration

Camilla Heggøy, Product Manager - Digital Fleet, DOF Group

Bio: Camilla Heggøy has 10 years’ experience in the DOF Group. With a strong background from the maritime industry, she develops innovative digital solutions to enhance efficiency, safety, and sustainability.  Today she is leading DOF’s Digital fleet project which is the digital transformation of DOF’s fleet.

16:30 The end with drinks reception
kindly sponsored by DUALOG

Call for speakers

Shipping company employees - please contact Vaida Stočkūnaitė on on vaida@thedigitalship.com / Tel +44 (0)207 017 3403

Digital technology companies – please contact Narges Jodeyri on narges@thedigitalship.com / Tel +44 (0)20 7 017 3406